Installing certificate on computer manually

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Home page > Security certificate > Installing certificate on computer manually ‎‎

To install a certificate manually, the certificate must be downloaded from this link. [1]

After downloading and running the file, you must be confirm it to run.

Opening the file

In the next window, choose Install Certificate

Installing the certificate

In the next window, Check on local computer and click Next (may be slightly different in a variety of versions of Windows).

Start import

In the next window, choose to place the certificate in Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click Next.

Choose location

Certificate import must be completed by pressing finish.

Confirm and finish

And click OK in the two remaining windows.

And we're done. You must now restart your browser.

If restarting, it is not yet possible to access secure sites, it may be because the wizard did not place the security certificate in the correct place.


  1. You can download the certificate through this link only if you are connected with NetFree

Another option