לעברית לחצו כאן
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Links to free Seforim sites:
- Hebrewbooks http://www.hebrewbooks.org/
- The cooperative Otzar haseforim https://wiki.jewishbooks.org.il
- Torat Emet http://www.toratemetfreeware.com/online/ To download the software click here
- Torat Emet http://www.toratemetfreeware.com/
- Torat Emet online http://www.ateret4u.com/online/a_root.html
- Wikitext https://he.wikisource.org
- Haketer https://www.mgketer.org/
- Halaca Brura Virtual library http://www.halachabrura.org/alephlink.htm
- Sefaria http://www.sefaria.org/
- Shitofa https://shitufta.org.il/
- Wikiyeshiva @ Mikropedia https://www.yeshiva.org.il/wiki/index.php
Links to charged Seforim sites:
- Otzar Hachochma https://www.otzar.org/wotzar/otzar.aspx
- Responsa Project (Proyect Hashot) https://www.responsa.co.il/default.aspx