NetFree for developers and programmers

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The Netfree system was developed and is maintained by developers, so naturally most of the sites needed for the developer and programmer are open in Netfree, subject to the standard manual Image Filter, of course.

The official documentation sites of all dominant programming languages are open, as well as news sites and forums dedicated to programming topics.

Since Netfree's subscribers include many developers, the list of open sites on the subject is growing all the time.

Open sites

(A partial list out of many)


Developer tools

Connecting to servers

All protocols are blocked by default and are opened individually by IP address and port number after sending a request with a traffic recording, except for the following list of protocols which are open by default:

  • SIP on ports 5060, 5070 and 10000
  • MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • Skype
  • TeamViewer
  • SMB
  • MetaTrader 4
  • POP3
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • IMAP
  • Bitcoin

DNS queries are only allowed to a select list of whitelisted DNS servers, including,,, DNS queries addressed to non-whitelisted servers are transparently redirected to

Software that requires SSL or TLS encryption

Working with software that requires SSL or TLS encryption, such as GIT, npm, and more, requires installing a specific certificate for the requested software. You can read about this on the Security certificate page, and on the Bugs and their solutions page.

If you encounter any software that is not documented, you can always contact us and get help via NetFree's Support System. (Dealing with closures), and with NetFree's English user Forum or NetFree Hebrew's user Forum.